Synchronous counter | Types, Circuit, operation and timing Diagram

The synchronous counter is also an application of flip-flop. Each flip-flop used in this counter is synchronized at the same time. That is, the counter is clocked such that, if each flip-flop is triggered at the same time through the clock pulse, then it is called synchronous counter.
To design a synchronous counter, Toggle flip-flop or T flip-flop is used. The clock pulse is given to all the flip-flops in the counter.
In this article, we will discuss the circuit, operation and timing diagram of synchronous up counter, synchronous down counter and synchronous up/down counter. Also, learn the design of synchronous counter.
3-bit synchronous up counter
Synchronous up Counter counts the number of clock pulses at its input from minimum to maximum. A 3-bit counter consists of 3 flip-flops and has 23 = 8 states from 000 to 111.
The circuit of the 3-bit synchronous up counter is shown below. The clock pulse is given for all the flip-flops.
The TA input for the first T-flip-flop TFF1 is always maintained at logic HIGH. The output of TFF1 is fed as an input for TFF2. The QA and QB output of TFF1 and TFF2 are ANDed together and its output is given to the TFF3. The output states of the counter can be observed at QCQBQA.

Operation and Timing Diagram
Before going into the operation of the 3-bit synchronous counter, learn how JK flip-flop and T flip-flop operates.
Let us assume the initial condition as QCQBQA = 000.
The HIGH input is given only to the first flip-flop(TFF 1). Since QA = QB = 0, the inputs are 0 for the remaining flip-flops. Thus TA = 1, TB = 0, TC = 0.
During the falling edge of the first clock pulse input, the output of TFF 1 toggles and produces QA = 1. For the remaining flip flops, there will be no change in the state.
The output becomes QCQBQA = 001. Thus the counter is incremented by 1(000 -> 001).
Now, the input for TFF 1 is TA = 1. As QA becomes 1, the input for TFF 2 becomes TB = 1. and the input for TFF 3 has no change TC = 0.
During the negative edge of the second clock pulse, the output of TFF 1 toggles and produce QA = 0. At the same time, TFF 2 also toggles and produces QB = 1, whereas there will not be a change in the state of TFF3.

Thus the output becomes QCQBQA = 010. So the counter increases its value to 2(001 -> 010).
Now, the input for TFF 1 is TA = 1. As QA and QB output are 0 and 1 respectively, the input TB = 0 and the input will be TC = 0.
During the negative edge of the third clock pulse, the TFF 1 will toggle to produce QA = 1. Since TB = 0, there will not be any change in the state of TFF 2, so its output will be QB = 1. Since TC = 0, there will not be a change in the output of TFF3, QC = 0.
Thus the output now becomes QCQBQA = 011. So the counter increments its value to 3(010 -> 011). Now, the inputs of the flip-flops will become, TA = 1, TB = 1, TC = 1.
During the negative edge of the fourth clock pulse, the output of TFF1 will toggle, so QA = 0, Since TB and TC inputs are HIGH, both the flip-flops will toggle its output, so QB = 0, QC = 1. Now the output becomes QCQBQA = 100 and so the counter value increases to 4(011 -> 100).
The operation continues and counts the clock pulses until it reaches the final state QCQBQA = 111. At the next clock pulse, the counter resets to 000 and starts to count from the first.
4-bit Synchronous up counter
Similar to the 3-bit synchronous up counter, a 4-bit up counter can be designed, but with 4 flip-flops. It is shown in the below diagram. It has 16 output states, that this counter can count from 0000 to 1111.

The timing diagram of the 4-bit synchronous up counter is shown below. The operation is similar to that of a 3-bit counter, which is as explained above.

Synchronous Up/Down counter (or) Bidirectional counter
The synchronous Counter can be made to operate as an up counter and as a down counter with the help of control signals. Since it is capable of counting in either direction, It is also called a bidirectional counter.
In this bidirectional counter, the JK flip-flop is configured as a T flip-flop for storing a bit. The diagram shown below represents the circuit of 3-bit bidirectional counter. Since it is a 3-bit counter, it has 8 possible output states.

Depending on the control input, the counter will count either upward or downward. If the counter counts in an upward direction, it will count from 0 to 7. When the control input is changed, the counter will count in a downward direction from 7 to 0.
The control input decides which direction the counter operates. When control input = 1, it will disable the AND gates 2, 4 and enable gates 1, 3. At this condition, the counter will count upwards.

When the control input is 0, it will enable the AND gates 2, 4 and disable gates 1, 3. uring this condition, the counter will count downwards from 111(7) to 000(0). The timing diagram of the bidirectional counter is shown below.
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