Percentage Calculator

The percentage calculator is a mathematical tool used to find the percentage change, percentage difference, and percentage error between the two values.
Percentage Increase
Using this option, it is possible to find the increase in percentage from an initial value to the final value. It is determined for the formula,
For example, at the end of 2021, the price of the mobile phone is USD 300. Now its price is USD 350. What is the percentage increase in the price of the mobile phone from the year 2021 to the current year?
So the price of the mobile phone is increased by 16.67% from the year 2021 to the current year.
Percentage Decrease
The Percentage decrease option in the above calcultor can be usd to find the decrease from one value to another in terms of a percentage. In the calculator, just enter the initial value and final value to find the percent decrease.
It is given by the formula,
For example, the energy consumed by the fluorscent lamp be 400 kWh and if the energy consumed by replacing it with energy efficient LED light is 150 kWh, find the percentage decrease in the energy consumed by replacing the fluoroscent lamp.
Thus the energy consumed by replacing the fluorescent lamp with the LED light is decreased by 62.50%.
Percentage Change
The Percentage change option calculates the change from initial value to the final value and express the change as percent increase or percent decrease. The percentage change formula,
For example, if the price of a producet is changed from USD 20 to USD 50, then find the percentage change in price.
The price changes by 150% and it is said to have 150 percent increase.
Percentage Difference
The Percentage Difference Calculator will find the percent difference between two numbers. It is given by the formula,
For exmple, let us find the percentage difference between 12 and 24.
For the numbers 12 and 24, there is percentage difference of 66.67% between the two.
Percentage Error
The Percent Error Calculator is used to find the percentage error between the measured value and the actual value. It is given by the formula,
Here M denotes the measured value and A is the actual value.
For example, when the measured value in the tachometer reads 950 rpm, but the actual value will be 1000 rpm. In this case, we have to find the percentage error between the measured value and actual value.
The error is found to be 5%.
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